Equipment Attributes

Create user-defined data for equipment, which can be used for filtering equipment records.

You may need to record lots of data about equipment records in Protean, such as technical specifications. This can be achieved by creating Equipment Attributes.

Examples of Equipment Attributes for a car could be:

  • Dimensions (Length/Width/Height)
  • Weight
  • Sat Nav (Yes/No)
  • Speed
  • Colour

Creating Equipment Attributes

To setup Equipment Attributes, go to System ¦ Attributes

  • In the Attribute box, type in the name of the attribute
  • In the Type box, define what type of data you would expect to be recorded (e.g. Yes/No, Date, Numeric, Text, List)
  • In the Category box, you can define how you wish to categorise this attribute (e.g. Dimensions, Technical Specification, Options etc.)
  • Once you have completed the above details, you can click in the next blank row to complete the addition of the attribute

  • If you have chosen the ‘List’ Type for any of the attributes, you need to define a dropdown list. To do this, select the row using the grey box to the left of the relevant attribute, and then click the Value List button at the bottom of the screen

  • On the screen that displays, enter the values that you wish to be available. Once you are done, use the Close button to return back to the Equipment Attributes screen

  • Click the Close button once you have finished creating Equipment Attributes

Applying Equipment Attributes to Makes & Models

If you apply Equipment Attributes at Make & Model level, they will automatically be applied to any new equipment records that are created with that Make & Model.

  • Go to System ¦ View Makes & Models and double-click to select the relevant Make & Model
  • In the Attributes tab, you will see the list of available attributes on the right-hand side. To apply an attribute select it, and use the left arrow button to add it to the Make & Model record
  • Once you have selected the relevant attributes, you can amend them by highlighting the relevant row on the left-hand side, and filling in the required detail in the Modify box at the bottom of the screen

  • Once you have applied all of the relevant attributes, use the Close button at the bottom right to apply the changes

Applying Equipment Attributes to Equipment Records

You can apply or edit attributes on individual equipment records.

  • Click the top half of the Equipment button, and double-click on the relevant equipment record
  • In the Attributes tab, you will see the list of available attributes on the right-hand side. To apply an attribute select it, and use the left arrow button to add it to the equipment record
  • Once you have selected the relevant attributes, you can amend them by highlighting the relevant row on the left-hand side, and filling in the required detail in the Modify box at the bottom of the screen

  • Once you have applied all of the relevant attributes, use the Close button at the bottom right to apply the changes

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